empty store shelves

14 Survival Items That Will Vanish From The Store Shelves First, When SHTF…

“SHTF” – a phrase that sends shivers down the spine of preppers everywhere. When the “Sh*t Hits The Fan,” you want to be ready. And that means stocking up on essential survival items. But what if you don’t know what items are essential? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this post, we’ll go over the 14 survival items that will vanish from store shelves when the SHTF, and why it’s important to have them in advance.

The apocalypse is often depicted in movies and TV shows as a time of chaos and destruction, where survival of the fittest is the only law. In such scenarios, access to essential goods and supplies becomes limited, and people are often left to fend for themselves. One of the places where this phenomenon is likely to play out is at Walmart, one of the largest retailers in the world.

So, sit back, grab a snack, and get ready to learn what you need to survive the end of the world. We will discuss 15 common items found at Walmart, that are likely to disappear from the shelves first in the apocalypse.

Toilet Paper

Toilet paper is an essential item in every household, and it will be one of the first things to disappear from store shelves during an apocalypse. People will stock up on this item, making it scarce and difficult to find.

Bottled Water

Water is essential for survival, and bottled water is the most convenient form of it. People will stock up on bottled water in the event of a disaster, and it will quickly become scarce.

Non-Perishable Food

When the apocalypse strikes, people will flock to stores to stock up on food. Non-perishable food items such as canned goods, protein bars, and dried fruits will be the first to disappear, as people try to ensure they have enough food to last them for a while.

First Aid Kits

Accidents are a common occurrence, even during an apocalypse, and a well-stocked first aid kit can mean the difference between life and death. People will stock up on this essential item, making it difficult to find.

Flashlights and Batteries

When the power goes out, flashlights and batteries will be essential to provide light. These items will be the first to disappear from store shelves, as people try to ensure they have a source of light.


In an apocalypse, you never know when you’ll need to fix something. People will stock up on tools such as multi-tools, knives, and fire starters, making them difficult to find.


Well not technically an item on a store shelf, good old paper currency will be hard to access if the grid goes down. If the apocalypse strikes, access to banks and ATMs may be limited, making cash an essential item. People will stock up on cash, making it difficult to find.

Hygiene Items

Just because the world is ending doesn’t mean people have to let themselves go. People will stock up on hygiene items such as wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and toothpaste to maintain good hygiene.

Warm Clothing

The weather during an apocalypse is not always warm and sunny, and people will need warm clothing to survive. Warm clothing, extra socks, and underwear will be some of the first items to disappear from store shelves.

Sleeping Bags and Pads

When people are forced to evacuate, they will need somewhere to sleep. Sleeping bags and pads will be in high demand and will quickly disappear from store shelves.

Tarps or Tents

When people are forced to spend the night outdoors, they will need shelter from the elements. Tarps and tents will be in high demand, and people will stock up on these items, making them difficult to find.

Maps and Compasses

When people evacuate, they will need to know where they are going. Maps and compasses will be essential for navigation and will quickly disappear from store shelves.

Portable Radios

In an apocalypse, people need to stay informed, and a portable radio will be a crucial tool in staying informed. Portable radios will be in high demand and will quickly disappear from store shelves.


When the apocalypse strikes, fuel will be essential to power. Gas pumps may be limited inaccessible.

As a bonus for my readers, here is an awesome list!

So, grab a pen and paper, and make sure you stock up on these essential items before the SHTF.

prepper gear to buy

20 most common purchases at Walmart people make to be prepared for an emergency situation

  1. Bottled water
  2. Non-perishable food items such as canned goods, protein bars, and dried fruits
  3. First aid kits
  4. Flashlights and batteries
  5. Tools such as multi-tools, knives, and fire starters
  6. Cash
  7. Hygiene items such as wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and toothpaste
  8. Warm clothing, extra socks, and underwear
  9. Sleeping bags and pads
  10. Tarps or tents
  11. Maps and compasses
  12. Portable radios
  13. Fuel for heating or cooking
  14. Candles and matches
  15. Prescription medications
  16. Blankets
  17. Solar or hand-crank chargers for electronic devices
  18. Insect repellent
  19. Portable water filtration systems
  20. Food storage containers.

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